Our application clerk will need to see two forms of identification, one of which must be a picture ID. If your mailing address is different from the service address, you will need to provide it when you sign up for service.
(One must be a current state or federal photo ID)
A security deposit is required for electric, water, and sewer service. This security deposit is always applied against your final bill when service is discontinued. There are alternatives to deposits. The deposit may be waived if the customer has a satisfactory credit inquiry. Another way to waive a deposit is to have a co-signer. The co-signer must have a satisfactory credit inquiry and must be a current residential customer of Cleveland Utilities to waive the deposit. Additionally, the co-signer will be required to sign your application and a co-signer agreement.
The credit inquiry is performed by a third-party vendor.
Deposits for commercial services vary and are set for each location by the Customer Service Department. These deposits are based on three factors:
Click here to view Deposit Policy.
An alternative option to avoid paying a deposit is our budget-friendly pre-pay program. Customers will need the same required information as above, but the pre-pay program allows our customers to pay for their service as needed. These customers are never charged a late fee, penalty, or deposit.
There is a $27.50 service charge on your first bill. This is a one-time charge for all residential, commercial and industrial customers. This charge helps to offset the cost of setting up the account and physically beginning service at the requested location.
We require 24-hour notice to stop service and we only schedule disconnects Monday – Friday during regular business hours. You are able to schedule a stop service request in office, over the phone, or by clicking the link below. Once account holder has been verified, we will need a forwarding address for final bill and will need a current contact number.